The Goods Shed, Tetbury. Glos. GL8 8EY
£10 per person Cash or Card. No booking or partner required.
We are delighted to announce a full programme of classes during the summer. The classes will be aimed at improver/intermediate level. These steps/routines can be challenging to fit into a single one hour class. The workshops will run over two hours allowing us more time to really nail down the technique and perfect them. Full of cool stuff, Wow! moves and steps to elevate your social dancing. Just come along and join whichever takes your fancy. No booking required.
23rd July: Lindy Turn & Lindy Circle Variations plus playful footwork alternatives
30th July: Side by Side Charleston Variations
6th August: Cool Moves, Tricks, Dips & Mini routines that are WOW!
13th August: Tandem Charleston Variations
20th August: Two Strolls. Charleston & Rock n Roll.
(Suitable for Beginners)